Categoría: Noticias

Federal Tax Policy with Fiscal Cliff Updates

Posted January 7th 2013 Federal tax code has not substantially changed for over two decades. 2013 brings a new set of rules and guidelines for all U.S. tax payers. Keep in mind that filing for 2013 is not due until April 2014. Individuals, families, and businesses across the board (not only higher-income individuals or households) […]
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Fannie Mae Reaches Comprehensive Resolution with Bank of America, Yielding Positive Outcome for Taxpayers

Agreement Results in Payment of $3.55 Billion and Repurchase of 30,000 loans for $6.75 Billion Fannie Mae Approves the Transfer of Servicing Rights of 941,000 Loans from Bank of America to Specialty Servicers Bank of America Will Pay $1.3 Billion in Compensatory Fee Obligations Pete Bakel 202-752-2034 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Fannie Mae (FNMA/OTC) today announced […]
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Ten Resolutions The Most Successful People Make And Then Keep

Well, it’s that time again—time to start rolling out the New Year’s resolutions. Some of us will vow to eat less, exercise more, live in the moment, be more grateful. You may even decide to bury the hatchet with the family member who makes you so crazy. But what about your New Year’s business resolutions? […]
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Long-Term Office Outlook Is Weak

Posted January 2nd 2013 CCIM Institute The national office vacancy rate stands at 17.1 percent and is expected to remain elevated longer than previously expected, according to a December 2012 University of California-Los Angeles Ziman Real Estate Center economic letter. Overall office employment dropped by 245,000 jobs during the last five years, and supply is […]
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Resoluciones financieras para el 2013

Por Andrea Martínez / [email protected] El 2013   es  un buen año  para poner al día sus  finanzas personales. Con esto en mente, El Nuevo Día entrevistó  a diversos expertos con el fin de proveer información que le ayude a embarcar en  una ruta hacia  la salud financiera. 1. Prepare un presupuesto Arturo Carrión, director ejecutivo […]
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Capital Markets Remain Healthy

CCIM Institute Posted December 27th 2012 Commercial real estate capital markets remain stable despite rising uncertainty about the looming fiscal cliff, according to a recent Marcus & Millichap report. CMBS issuance volume this year is expected to top 2011’s by more than $17 billion, but is not expected to return to a healthy level until […]
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30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgage Finishes Year Near Historic Low

MCLEAN, Va., Dec. 27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Freddie Mac (OTC: FMCC) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®), showing the average fixed mortgage rates finishing the year near record lows, helping to keep homebuyer affordability high. The 30-year fixed eased slightly this week to average 3.35 percent, while the 15-year fixed remained […]
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U.K. Home-Building Drags, Unlike the U.S.

By PETER EVANS- The Wall Street Journal U.K. home builders are continuing to struggle with weak demand even as their counterparts in the U.S. enjoy a housing recovery that is enabling them to ramp up production. Construction was started on 98,020 new homes in the U.K. in the year ended Sept. 30, a 9% decline […]
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Moody’s se equivoca sobre el crédito de Puerto Rico

Articulo de: La agencia acreditora Moody’s emitió un aviso esta mañana corrigiendo la clasificación del crédito de Puerto Rico, específicamente de la Corporación para el Financiamiento Público de Puerto Rico. Según el informe original, del 13 de diciembre de este año, la agencia evaluadora había colocado los bonos 1998A en la clasificación Ba1, lo […]
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¡Senado aprueba proyecto 2741!

El Senado de Puerto Rico ha aprobado el Proyecto del Senado 2741, legislación que extiende los incentivos del Programa de Estímulo al 30 de junio de 2013. Aún está pendiente la aprobación en la Cámara de Representantes. ¡En hora buena!
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