Preferred Te Orienta – FHA-203K: el préstamo perfecto para comprar y rehabilitar la propiedad

El mercado actual de bienes raíces es uno de gran atractivo y beneficios para los compradores.

Aunque el mercado de financiamiento hipotecaria ofrece una variedad de alternativas de préstamos hipotecarios, ninguno contiene en sus regulaciones una sección específica con el propósito de comprar una propiedad y poder rehabilitarla, todo con el mismo préstamo, como la sección “203k” de los prestamos asegurados por FHA (Federal Housing Administration).


Es un préstamo federal asegurado por FHA con el que puedes reparar, mejorar, alterar y hasta reconstruir la casa desde sus cimientos, todo con el mismo préstamo. Su propósito fundamental son dos:

– Que la persona se sienta motivada a comprar la propiedad a pesar de la condición en que se encuentre la estructura, pues este financiamiento le suple los recursos económicos para restaurarla.

– Estimular la economía mediante la compraventa de propiedades a la vez que se rehabilitan las estructuras en los mercados o vecindarios.


Toda propiedad existente de una hasta cuatro unidades de vivienda, en zonificación residencial. Algunas de las mejoras y/o reparaciones son: reparaciones que afecten la solidez, seguridad y salubridad; cambios en la estructura (añadir o reducir áreas), remodelar o reparar (baños y cocinas), convertir la propiedad a una accesible a personas con impedimentos, reemplazar o reacondicionar sistemas (electricidad, plomería, pozo séptico), reparación y/o tratamiento de techo y grietas, pisos y lozas, pintura exterior e interior, reparación de piscina ($1,500 máximo), entre otras.

Las mejoras que no son permitidas son: barbacoas, gazebos, sauna, spa, piscina (nueva), cancha para deportes, antena parabólica o de disco, entre otros.

Entre las ventajas del préstamo FHA-203k se encuentran;

  • Financiar hasta el 110% del valor, como mejorado, de la propiedad, sujeto a tasación, términos y condiciones.
  • Requiere solo una tasación.
  • Un solo cierre.
  • No hay mínimos ni máximos en el total de las reparaciones, sujeto al valor proyectado de la propiedad y la calificación del comprador.
  • Comprar propiedad de hasta cuatro unidades de vivienda, sujeto a que ocupes una como residencia principal.
  • Financiar hasta seis meses del pago hipotecario, si los trabajos de reparaciones y/o mejoras no permiten ocupar la propiedad mientras tanto.
  • Bajo interés hipotecario, sujeto a cualificación.


Los requisitos de cualificación son los mismos que para el préstamo FHA regular, como:

  • Historial de crédito aceptable (no debe haber atrasos en las cuentas por los pasados 12 meses).
  • Puntuación de crédito de 580 o más (sujeto a la política de la institución bancaria).
  • Empleo e ingresos deben ser estable y confiable (generalmente se requiere dos años y permanencia).
  • Los fondos necesarios para completar la transacción deben ser verificables.

Para más información, llame a Preferred Mortgage al 787-903-0103 y sus originadores hipotecarios, licenciados por el “Nationwide Mortgage Licencing System” y la Oficina del Comisionado de Instituciones Financiera, le orientará.

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Fannie Mae – May National Housing Survey Results

Americans’ Housing Optimism Gains More Momentum amid Reported Income Growth; Supports Forecast of Pickup in Housing Activity This Year.

Share of consumers saying “Good time to sell” reaches new survey high.

Katie Penote – 202-752-2261

WASHINGTON, DC – Consumer attitudes about the housing market showed marked improvement last month, strengthening the case for a lift in housing activity this year, according to results from Fannie Mae’s May 2015 National Housing Survey™. In line with the positive May jobs report—which showed an acceleration in average hourly earnings—and reflecting recent trends of firming personal income growth, the share of survey respondents reporting a significant increase in their household income climbed 4 percentage points to a near all-time high. As job growth appears to be driving meaningful income growth, the outlook for housing market growth also is improving. Among those surveyed, the share who believe now is a good time to sell a home continued its steady climb, reaching an all-time survey high in May—six percentage points higher than at the same time last year. Additionally, those saying they would prefer to buy rather than rent a home on their next move increased another three percentage points to 66 percent.

“Things are looking up for housing,” said Doug Duncan, senior vice president and chief economist at Fannie Mae. “Those saying it is a good time to sell a house hit a survey high of 49 percent. Also, the percentage of consumers telling us their household income is significantly higher than 12 months ago grew six percentage points to 28 percent over the past two months. We have found that these two indicators – good time to sell and income growth – are key drivers for the performance of the housing market and play an important role in our soon to be released Home Purchase Sentiment Index™ (HPSI). The increase in these indicators suggests our forecast of moderate improvement in the housing market in 2015 is on course and mirrors the near-term performance of other leading market data, including mortgage applications and pending home sales.”


Homeownership and Renting

  • The average 12-month home price change expectation remained at 2.8 percent.
  • The share of respondents who say home prices will go up in the next 12 months rose to 49 percent. The share who say home prices will go down fell to 6 percent.
  • The share of respondents who say mortgage rates will go up in the next 12 months fell to 47 percent.
  • Those who say it is a good time to buy a house rose back up to 66 percent, while those who say it is a good time to sell went up 3 percentage points to 49 percent – a new survey high.
  • The average 12-month rental price change expectation rose to 4.3 percent.
  • The percentage of respondents who expect home rental prices to go up rose to 55 percent.
  • Those who think it would be easy to get a home mortgage decreased by 2 percentage points to 50 percent, while those who think it would be difficult remained at 46 percent.
  • The share who say they would buy if they were going to move rose 3 percentage points to 66 percent, while the share who would rent fell to 27 percent.

The Economy and Household Finances

  • The share of respondents who say the economy is on the right track decreased by 4 percentage points to 38 percent, while those who say the economy is on the wrong track rose by 3 percentage points to 52 percent.
  • The percentage of respondents who expect their personal financial situation to get worse over the next 12 months rose to 12 percent.
  • The share of respondents who say their household income is significantly higher than it was 12 months ago rose 4 percentage points to 28 percent.
  • The percentage of respondents say their household expenses are significantly higher than they were 12 months ago increased to 31 percent.

The most detailed consumer attitudinal survey of its kind, Fannie Mae’s National Housing Survey™ polled 1,000 Americans via live telephone interview to assess their attitudes toward owning and renting a home, home and rental price changes, homeownership distress, the economy, household finances, and overall consumer confidence. Homeowners and renters are asked more than 100 questions used to track attitudinal shifts (findings are compared to the same survey conducted monthly beginning June 2010). To reflect the growing share of households with a cell phone but no landline, the National Housing Survey has increased its cell phone dialing rate to 60 percent as of October 2014. For more information, please see the Technical Notes. Fannie Mae conducts this survey and shares monthly and quarterly results so that we may help industry partners and market participants target our collective efforts to stabilize the housing market in the near-term, and provide support in the future.

For detailed findings from the May 2015 survey, as well as technical notes on survey methodology and questions asked of respondents associated with each monthly indicator, please visit the Fannie Mae Monthly National Housing Survey page on Also available on the site are in-depth topic analyses, which provide a detailed assessment of combined data results from three monthly studies. The May 2015 National Housing Survey was conducted between May 1, 2015 and May 20, 2015. Most of the data collection occurred during the first two weeks of this period. Interviews were conducted by Penn Schoen Berland, in coordination with Fannie Mae.

To receive e-mail updates with other housing market research from Fannie Mae’s Economic & Strategic Research Group, please click here.

Opinions, analyses, estimates, forecasts, and other views of Fannie Mae’s Economic & Strategic Research (ESR) Group included in these materials should not be construed as indicating Fannie Mae’s business prospects or expected results, are based on a number of assumptions, and are subject to change without notice. How this information affects Fannie Mae will depend on many factors. Although the ESR Group bases its opinions, analyses, estimates, forecasts, and other views on information it considers reliable, it does not guarantee that the information provided in these materials is accurate, current, or suitable for any particular purpose. Changes in the assumptions or the information underlying these views could produce materially different results. The analyses, opinions, estimates, forecasts, and other views published by the ESR Group represent the views of that group as of the date indicated and do not necessarily represent the views of Fannie Mae or its management.

Fannie Mae enables people to buy, refinance, or rent homes.

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Buscan frenar aumento del IVU en cuotas de asociaciones de residentes

Someten medida que cuenta con apoyo bipartita

Una medida bipartita que busca evitar un aumento en cuotas de mantenimiento a residentes de condominios y de urbanizaciones con control de acceso, como resultado del aumento al Impuesto sobre Ventas y Uso (IVU), fue presentada hoy en la Cámara de Representantes.

La pieza legislativa es de la autoría de los portavoces de la minoría penepé en la cámara baja, Jenniffer González y Carlos “Johnny” Méndez, y estos anunciaron que también cuentan con el endoso de los representantes de la mayoría popular, Luis Raúl Torres, Carlos Vargas Ferrer y Luis Vega Ramos.

La medida, que excluye del IVU e IVA a los servicios provistos por las asociaciones de residentes y condominios, fue anunciada por González y Méndez, junto a diversas organizaciones de condómines, en conferencia de prensa en el Capitolio.

“El aumento inmediato del IVU de un 7% a un 11.5% en las compras de bienes y un 4% a las compras de servicios, que más adelante serán de un 10%, encarecerá los gastos de las asociaciones, lo que a su vez, representará un aumento en las cuotas de mantenimiento”, dijo la expresidenta de la Cámara.

La legisladora indicó que según información provista por la Alianza de Profesionales de Condominios y Controles de Acceso, sobre 800,000 personas residen en condominios o lugares con control de acceso de los cuales, entre 15 a 20%, son personas mayores de 65 años de edad.

“Nos preocupa el impacto en las personas mayores, ya que cuentan con un ingreso fijo y limitado”, dijo por su parte el representante Méndez.

El representante Torres, coautor de la medida, dijo en declaraciones escritas que se unió a la medida para “aliviar un poco la carga que tienen que afrontar” las asociaciones de residentes o condómines.

González lo excusó de la conferencia de prensa por razones de salud. Vargas Ferrer y Ramos Vega, tampoco estuvieron presentes.

La legisladora novoprogresista dijo también que sometieron otras dos medidas, también apoyadas por los legisladores populares. Una de ellas crea un programa de regularización de exención para que toda asociación, debidamente constituida, no sea objeto de sanciones o penalidades por hacerlo luego de la vigencia de la ley y la tercera pieza legislativa, dispone que toda asociación de residentes y condominios realice un perfil estadístico y demográfico de sus integrantes, diseñado por el Instituto de Estadísticas y el Departamento de Asuntos al Consumidor.

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ALERT: Wire Fraudsters Targeting Real Estate Transactions

By Jessica Edgerton, NAR associate counsel

Posted in Managing Your Business, by on May 19, 2015

In recent months, real estate professionals have reported an upswing in a particularly insidious wire scam. A hacker will break into a licensee’s e-mail account to obtain information about upcoming real estate transactions. After monitoring the account to determine the likely timing of a close, the hacker will send an e-mail to the buyer, posing either as the title company representative or as the licensee. The fraudulent e-mail will contain new wiring instructions or routing information, and will request that the buyer send transaction-related funds accordingly. Unfortunately, some buyers have fallen for this scheme, and have lost money.

A possible red flag to be aware of, and to alert clients to, is any reference to a “SWIFT wire” transaction, a term that indicates an overseas destination for the funds. However, unlike many other e-mail-based “phishing” schemes, this particular manifestation appears to be more sophisticated and less recognizable as fraud. The communications do not contain the typical grammatical or stylistic oddities that are often present in scam e-mails. In addition, because the perpetrator has been monitoring the licensee’s e-mail account, the fraudulent communication may include detailed and accurate information pertaining to the real estate transaction, including existing wire and banking information, file numbers, and key dates, names, and addresses. Finally, the e-mails may come from what appears to be a legitimate e-mail address, either because the thief has successfully created a sham account containing a legitimate business’s name, or because he or she is sending the e-mail from a truly legitimate—albeit hacked––account.

Be aware, also, that this particular scheme is only one of many forms of online fraud being perpetrated against real estate licensees and their clients. In protecting all parties to a real estate transaction from cybercrime, real estate professionals should consider the following guidance:

1. Prevention.
The best line of defense against fraudsters is to make sure that all parties involved in a real estate transaction implement security measures before a cyberattack occurs. These measures include the following:

  • Never send wire transfer information via e-mail. For that matter, never send any sensitive information via e-mail, including banking information, routing numbers, PINS, or any other financial information.
  • Inform clients from day one about your email and communication practices, and alert them to the possibility of fraudulent activity. Explain that you will never send, or request that they send, sensitive information via email.
  • Prior to wiring any funds, the wirer should contact the intended recipient via a verified telephone number and confirm that the wiring information is accurate. Do not rely on telephone numbers or website addresses provided within an unverified e-mail, as fraudsters often provide their own contact information and set up convincing fake websites in furtherance of their schemes.
  • If a situation arises in which you have no choice but to send information about a transaction via email, make sure to use encrypted e-mail.
  • Security experts often recommend “going with your gut.” Tell clients that if an e-mail or a telephone call ever seems suspicious or “off,” that they should refrain from taking any action until the communication has been independently verified as legitimate. When it comes to safety and cybersecurity, always err on the side of being overly cautious.
  • If you receive a suspicious e-mail, do not open it. If you have already opened it, do not click on any links contained in the e-mail. Do not open any attachments. Do not call any numbers listed in the e-mail. Do not reply to the e-mail.
  • Clean out your e-mail account on a regular basis. Your e-mails may establish patterns in your business practice over time that hackers can use against you. In addition, a longstanding backlog of e-mails may contain sensitive information from months or years past. You can always save important e-mails in a secure location on your internal system or hard drive.
  • Change your usernames and passwords on a regular basis, and make sure your employees and licensees do the same.
  • Never use usernames or passwords that are easy to guess. Never, ever use the password “password.”
  • Make sure to implement the most up-to-date firewall and anti-virus technologies in your business.

2. Damage Control.
If you believe your e-mail or any other account has been hacked, you should take the following steps:

  • Immediately change all usernames and passwords associated with any account that you believe may have been compromised or otherwise made vulnerable by the attack.
  • Contact any clients or other parties who may have been exposed during the attack so that they take appropriate action. Remind them not to comply with any requests from an unverified source.
  • Report any fraudulent activity to the Federal Bureau of Investigations via their Internet Crime Complaint Center. More information can be found here:
  • Brokers should report any fraudulent activity to their state or local REALTOR® association so that the associations can send out alerts or take other appropriate action, including contacting NAR.

This advice is not all-inclusive, and real estate practitioners should work with Information Technology and cybersecurity professionals to ensure that their e-mail accounts, online systems, and business practices are as secure and up-to-date as possible.

For more information on this and other cyberscams, as well as further information on cybersecurity best practices, visit these resources:

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Freddie Mac-Mortgage Rates Remain at 2015 Highs

MCLEAN, VA–(Marketwired – Jun 4, 2015) –  Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®), showing average fixed mortgage rates remaining near their highest level of the year before bond yields began moving even higher Wednesday afternoon.

News Facts

  • 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 3.87 percent with an average 0.6 point for the week ending June 4, 2015, unchanged from last week. A year ago at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 4.14 percent.
  • 15-year FRM this week averaged 3.08 percent with an average 0.5 point, down from last week when it averaged 3.11 percent. A year ago at this time, the 15-year FRM averaged 3.23 percent.
  • 1-year Treasury-indexed ARM averaged 2.59 percent this week with an average 0.2 point, up from last week when it averaged 2.50 percent. At this time last year, the 1-year ARM averaged 2.40 percent.

Average commitment rates should be reported along with average fees and points to reflect the total upfront cost of obtaining the mortgage. Visit the following links for the Regional and National Mortgage Rate Details and Definitions. Borrowers may still pay closing costs which are not included in the survey.

Attributed to Len Kiefer, deputy chief economist, Freddie Mac.

“Mortgage rates were little changed for the week following mixed economic data before bond yields began moving higher Wednesday afternoon. Although real GDP growth was revised down to a negative 0.7 percent annualized rate, the Institute for Supply Management reported a modest growth in the manufacturing sector in May. If the Wednesday surge of treasury yields persists, the impact on mortgage rates is likely to result in a bout of affordability shock to many housing markets across the country.”

Freddie Mac was established by Congress in 1970 to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the nation’s residential mortgage markets. Freddie Mac supports communities across the nation by providing mortgage capital to lenders. Today Freddie Mac is making home possible for one in four home borrowers and is one of the largest sources of financing for multifamily housing. Additional information is available at, Twitter @FreddieMac and Freddie Mac’s blog

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Más hipotecas en las cooperativas del país

Construcción – El Nuevo Dia

Daniel Rodríguez Collazo, presidente ejecutivo de la Corporación para la Supervisión y Seguro de Cooperativas de Puerto Rico (COSSEC), certificó estadísticas que reflejan los préstamos hipotecarios a socios y familias cooperativistas, otorgados por las cooperativas del país.

Según la data más reciente, al 31 de marzo de 2015, las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito del país actualmente cuentan con una cartera de 18,385 préstamos individuales y en familia, los que representa cerca de $1.3 mil millones en dinero otorgado.

“Si comparamos el primer trimestre del 2015 con el año anterior, podemos ver un impresionante aumento particularmente en el renglón de préstamos hipotecarios FHA y VA, los cuales reflejan un balance de $18,857,472 millones, un aumento de 41.8% cuando lo comparamos con el primer trimestre del 2014”, indicó Rodríguez.

Según el presidente ejecutivo de COSSEC, los préstamos hipotecarios para remodelación y construcción a individuos ha alcanzado los $16,766,820 lo que representa un alza de más de un 8% cuando lo comparamos con marzo del 2014.

El renglón de “otros préstamos hipotecarios”, el cual agrupa préstamos hipotecarios de tipos diversos a individuos o a familias cooperativistas, también registró un aumento de más de 7%, al alcanzar por primera vez la cifra de $68,027,849 expresó el Funcionario.

El Titular de COSSEC atribuyó el aumento a una diversidad de factores entre ellos, el que existen familias puertorriqueñas que han logrado fortalecer su capacidad económica a través de los años debido una estrecha relación con su cooperativa.

Rodríguez Collazo destacó que la tasa en las cooperativas del país actualmente refleja menos de un 5% de morosidad, lo que compara favorablemente con la que actualmente refleja la banca la que supera un 11%.

“Aún en tiempos de crisis y recesión económica, las cooperativas siguen apoyando a las familias puertorriqueñas, a la economía del país y a Puerto Rico”, puntualizó.

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Fannie Mae – More Consumers Positive On Housing, But Not Quite Ready to Leave the Sidelines

Katie Penote – 202-752-2261

Survey Results Suggest Continued Modest Housing Growth in 2015

WASHINGTON, DC – Results from Fannie Mae’s April 2015 National Housing Survey™ show some improvement in housing sentiment, but likely not enough to trigger any breakout improvements in housing market activity this year. Among those surveyed, the share saying they would prefer to buy a home if they were to move increased to 63 percent in April, following a drop of six percentage points in February and March. In addition, average home price growth expectations continued their steady climb from late last year, with respondents now saying home prices will increase by 2.8 percent during the next 12 months. However, the share who believe this is a good time to buy a home decreased by four percentage points as consumer concerns regarding high home prices surged for a second consecutive month, matching renewed concerns regarding the state of the economy. These data points as a whole mirror Fannie Mae’s Home Purchase Sentiment Index (expected to be released this summer), which has remained largely flat since last fall, further suggesting that housing growth may remain subdued in 2015.

“The spring and summer home buying season has gotten off to a stronger start, reflected in some of the improvement in consumer housing sentiment,” said Doug Duncan, senior vice president and chief economist at Fannie Mae. “The share of consumers who intend to own rather than rent their next home rebounded after a two-month slide. Meanwhile, home price growth expectations strengthened to the strongest pace since last October. Nevertheless, consumers continue to express concerns about the recent weakening economic conditions and high home prices. These combine to depress the share of consumers believing it is a good time to buy a home. When we consider both the continued caution of consumers and the positive start to the year, we believe that these results support our expectation that 2015 will be a year of modest growth in housing activity.”


Homeownership and Renting

  • The average 12-month home price change expectation rose to 2.8 percent.
  • The share of respondents who say home prices will go up in the next 12 months fell to 46 percent. The share who say home prices will go down fell to 7 percent.
  • The share of respondents who say mortgage rates will go up in the next 12 months stayed constant at 52 percent.
  • Those who say it is a good time to buy a house fell to 63 percent, while those who say it is a good time to sell remained at 46.0 percent – tying last month’s survey high.
  • The average 12-month rental price change expectation rose to 4.1 percent.
  • The percentage of respondents who expect home rental prices to go up rose to 54 percent.
  • Those who think it would be easy to get a home mortgage increased by 2 percentage points to 52 percent, while those who think it would be difficult remained at 46.0 percent.
  • The share who say they would buy if they were going to move rose 3 percentage points to 63 percent, while the share who would rent fell to 32 percent.

The Economy and Household Finances

  • The share of respondents who say the economy is on the right track decreased by 1 percentage point to 42 percent, while those who say the economy is on the wrong track rose by 1 percentage point to 49 percent.
  • The percentage of respondents who expect their personal financial situation to get worse over the next 12 months fell to 10 percent – a new survey low.
  • The share of respondents who say their household income is significantly higher than it was 12 months ago rose 2 percentage points to 24 percent.
  • A new survey low, 29 percent of respondents say their household expenses are significantly higher than they were 12 months ago. A survey high, 60 percent say their expenses are the same.

The most detailed consumer attitudinal survey of its kind, Fannie Mae’s National Housing Survey™ polled 1,000 Americans via live telephone interview to assess their attitudes toward owning and renting a home, home and rental price changes, homeownership distress, the economy, household finances, and overall consumer confidence. Homeowners and renters are asked more than 100 questions used to track attitudinal shifts (findings are compared to the same survey conducted monthly beginning June 2010). To reflect the growing share of households with a cell phone but no landline, the National Housing Survey has increased its cell phone dialing rate to 60 percent as of October 2014. For more information, please see the Technical Notes. Fannie Mae conducts this survey and shares monthly and quarterly results so that we may help industry partners and market participants target our collective efforts to stabilize the housing market in the near-term, and provide support in the future.

For detailed findings from the April 2015 survey, as well as technical notes on survey methodology and questions asked of respondents associated with each monthly indicator, please visit the Fannie Mae Monthly National Housing Survey page on Also available on the site are in-depth topic analyses, which provide a detailed assessment of combined data results from three monthly studies. The April 2015 National Housing Survey was conducted between April 1, 2015 and April 23, 2015. Most of the data collection occurred during the first two weeks of this period. Interviews were conducted by Penn Schoen Berland, in coordination with Fannie Mae.

To receive e-mail updates with other housing market research from Fannie Mae’s Economic & Strategic Research Group, please click here.

Opinions, analyses, estimates, forecasts, and other views of Fannie Mae’s Economic & Strategic Research (ESR) Group included in these materials should not be construed as indicating Fannie Mae’s business prospects or expected results, are based on a number of assumptions, and are subject to change without notice. How this information affects Fannie Mae will depend on many factors. Although the ESR Group bases its opinions, analyses, estimates, forecasts, and other views on information it considers reliable, it does not guarantee that the information provided in these materials is accurate, current, or suitable for any particular purpose. Changes in the assumptions or the information underlying these views could produce materially different results. The analyses, opinions, estimates, forecasts, and other views published by the ESR Group represent the views of that group as of the date indicated and do not necessarily represent the views of Fannie Mae or its management.

Fannie Mae enables people to buy, refinance, or rent homes.

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¡Feliz Dia de las Madres!

En Reality Realty las madres son una parte importante de nuestro equipo, y nos gusta hacérselo saber cada vez que podemos.

Como saben este fin de semana celebramos el Día de las Madres, pero nosotros acá no pudimos esperar ni un día mas para darles a nuestras madres por excelencia su regalito. Así que luego de nuestra reunión corporativa, les obsequiamos una espectacular cena, preparada por nuestro querido Chef Campis.

A nuestras madres, y todas las madres de Puerto Rico queremos felicitarlas en su fin de semana y agradecerles por la labor, el sacrificio y el amor inagotable que día a día nos regalan desinteresadamente. ¡Gracias!

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Las ventas de viviendas registran el primer aumento en un año

Por Luisa García Pelatti

El mercado de vivienda, que lleva cayendo desde el 2011, experimentó en marzo el primer aumento interanual en un año. Las ventas de viviendas crecieron 5.1% en marzo de este año, hasta 936 unidades, según datos de la Oficina del Comisionado de Instituciones Financieras. Se vendieron 152 viviendas nuevas y 784 existentes, lo que supone incrementos interanuales de 2.0% y 5.7%, respectivamente. Las ventas están 29.9% por encima del mes de febrero.

Las ventas están muy lejos de las casi 300 viviendas nueva que se vendía mensualmente en el 2011.

Sube el precio de las viviendas nuevas y baja el de las existentes. El precio promedio de las ventas de viviendas nuevas en marzo fue de $184,000, un precio que es 3% más alto que hace 12 meses. Los precios de las viviendas nuevas han estado aumentando durante los últimos cuatro meses. Por otro lado, en marzo el precio promedio de la vivienda existente está 2.4% por debajo del precio del año pasado.

El año pasado, se vendieron 1,641 viviendas nuevas y 7,919 viviendas existentes, para un total de 9,560 viviendas. La cifra de viviendas vendidas es la más baja desde el 2005, cuando se vendían alrededor de 40,000 unidades al año.

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Freddie Mac – Mortgage Rates Moving Down

MCLEAN, VA–(Marketwired – Apr 23, 2015) – Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®), showing average fixed mortgage rates moving down slightly this week and remaining near their 2015 lows as the spring homebuying season continues.

News Facts

  • 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 3.65 percent with an average 0.6 point for the week ending April 23, 2015, down from last week when it averaged 3.67 percent. A year ago at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 4.33 percent.
  • 15-year FRM this week averaged 2.92 percent with an average 0.6 point, down from last week when it averaged 2.94 percent. A year ago at this time, the 15-year FRM averaged 3.39 percent.
  • 5-year Treasury-indexed hybrid adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) averaged 2.84 percent this week with an average 0.4 point, down from last week when it averaged 2.88 percent. A year ago, the 5-year ARM averaged 3.03 percent.
  • 1-year Treasury-indexed ARM averaged 2.44 percent this week with an average 0.4 point, down from last week when it averaged 2.46 percent. At this time last year, the 1-year ARM averaged 2.44 percent.

Average commitment rates should be reported along with average fees and points to reflect the total upfront cost of obtaining the mortgage. Visit the following links for the Regional and National Mortgage Rate Details and Definitions. Borrowers may still pay closing costs which are not included in the survey.

Attributed to Len Kiefer, deputy chief economist, Freddie Mac.

“Mortgage rates fell slightly to 3.65 percent this week, positive news for potential homebuyers in the market this spring. Purchase applications in 60 of the 100 markets that MiMi tracks are up from the same time last year, including 20 markets that are showing double-digit increases. Reinforcing this positive momentum, existing home sales surged 6.1 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.19 million units in March, the highest annual rate since September 2013. Housing inventory rose 5.3 percent to 2 million homes for sale, but unsold inventory was little changed at a 4.6 month supply.”

Freddie Mac was established by Congress in 1970 to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the nation’s residential mortgage markets. Freddie Mac supports communities across the nation by providing mortgage capital to lenders. Today Freddie Mac is making home possible for one in four home borrowers and is one of the largest sources of financing for multifamily housing. Additional information is available at, Twitter @FreddieMac and Freddie Mac’s blog

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