Investors Set Sights on Industrial Sector

American port cities are expected to see a rise in demand for industrial property, according to Colliers Turley’s 2013 Market Predictions. Demand will be driven by new post-Panamax routes to East Coast ports as well as the Panama Canal’s expansion.

Factors such as growing industrial demand, low construction output, and high industrial yields will also increase investor interest in the sector. Increasing trade with emerging foreign markets will also boost the need for warehouse space, according to the predictions.

Projections estimate gross domestic product will rise from 2.0 percent to 2.5 percent this year, with the majority of growth taking place in the latter part of the year.

Download the complete report (registration required).

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Sábados de educación contínua

Mantente al paso con tus requisitos de tu Educación Continua. No caigas en penalidad, edúcate gradualmente. ¡Te esperamos!

Precios: $35 antes del 31 de enero de 2013

$45 en la entrada

Precios especiales para grupos*

Lugar: A llevarse a cabo todos los sábados en MoneyHouse, Viejo San Juan

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REIRE: Curso Preparatorio para licencia de Corredor/Vendedor

Fecha: Martes,22 de enero de 2013

Informacion: 787.400.1112

Incluye Copia del Libro de Bienes Raices en Puerto Rico escrito por el distinguido Realtor de PR Rei Torres.

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Extienden Vigencia de Incentivos de Vivienda hasta Junio 2013


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Cyber News) – El Senado aprobó el sábado un proyecto de ley que extiende la fecha de vencimiento de la Ley de Transición del Programa de Impulso a la Vivienda. El proyecto tiene el propósito de ayudar a las familias puertorriqueñas a obtener una vivienda, a la vez que se incentiva a la economía de la Isla.

Con la aprobación del Proyecto del Senado 2741, también se enmiendan las disposiciones del Programa Mi Nuevo Hogar para flexibilizar las horas de servicio comunitario cuando se acogen a los beneficios del mismo.

“Esta administración entiende la necesidad de ofrecer a las familias puertorriqueñas mayores oportunidades para adquirir un hogar y de fomentar el desarrollo económico en la Isla”, lee la exposición de motivos de la medida, presentada por el saliente presidente del Senado, Thomas Rivera Schatz.

La medida enmienda la “Ley de Transición del Programa de Impulso a la Vivienda” para que su fecha de vencimiento sea el 30 de junio del 2013. Dicha extensión había sido solicitada por varios sectores del país.

La pieza legislativa señala que a pesar de los logros obtenidos mediante estos incentivos, aún existen unidades acumuladas en inventario ofertado. Por tal razón, el proyecto extiende  los incentivos vigentes para propiciar que el mercado inmobiliario, principalmente el residencial, pueda alcanzar estabilidad financiera y garantizar que más familias puedan adquirir una vivienda digna con la ayuda de estos incentivos.

De acuerdo con la exposición de motivos del proyecto, por medio de “Mi Nuevo Hogar” se han vendido más de 35,000 unidades de vivienda, por un valor de $5,000 millones, desde su implantación a mediados del año 2009.

“Con el Programa de Impulso a la Vivienda y el programa Mi Nuevo Hogar, los compradores lograron cerrar la brecha entre sus ingresos, el costo de las propiedades y posibles gastos de cierre”, continua diciendo la exposición de motivos.

Uno de los beneficios que otorga el “Programa mi Nuevo Hogar”, a los participantes es que éstos no tienen que devolver el monto del incentivo otorgado a la Autoridad para el Financiamiento de la Vivienda (AFV) si no venden sus propiedades antes de los 10 años.  Esta exención requiere que durante los 12 meses subsiguientes a la fecha de la compraventa, el beneficiario participe en 50 horas de programas de servicio a la comunidad. Esto último fue enmendado y será 36 meses subsiguientes a la fecha de compraventa.

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¡Precios Reducidos en Ventanas de Gurabo!


Si está buscando un hogar con hermosas vistas panorámicas, donde pueda vivir con seguridad y comodidad, venga a conocer Ventanas, una gran comunidad entre Caguas y Gurabo.

Ventanas está ubicada en lo alto de una hermosa colina, con una extraordinaria vista hacia el valle de Caguas. Su entrada de coloridos jardines y fuentes escalonadas lo llevan directo a los apartamentos modelos, clusters de seis niveles, con ascensores que dan acceso a sólo dos unidades por piso y dos estacionamientos por cada apartamento.

Esta comunidad se complementa con todas las necesidades que exige su vida cotidiana, como generador eléctrico de emergencia que alimenta el 100% de las residencias y cisterna de agua, cómoda área de estacionamiento para visitantes y área de lavado de carros, entre muchos otros beneficios.

Además, la comunidad cuenta con magnificas facilidades recreativas que incluyen: casa club “El Mirador”, gimnasio equipado, cancha de tenis, cancha de baloncesto, piscina tipo “infinity” de 190’ de largo, piscina para niños, salon de actividades, area de juego para niños e internet “wireless” gratuito.

El proyecto está localizado a sólo pasos de la carretera PR-30, Plaza Centro Shopping Center y la Universidad del Turabo. Para llegar desde San Juan, después del primer peaje de Caguas Norte, tome la PR-30 hacia Humacao, luego la salida 4 de la Universidad del Turabo y siga hacia la Carr. 189 (carretera vieja hacia Gurabo).

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Federal Tax Policy with Fiscal Cliff Updates

Posted January 7th 2013

Federal tax code has not substantially changed for over two decades. 2013 brings a new set of rules and guidelines for all U.S. tax payers. Keep in mind that filing for 2013 is not due until April 2014. Individuals, families, and businesses across the board (not only higher-income individuals or households) will be to some degree impacted by federal tax rate changes negotiated through the fiscal cliff deal.

Capital Gains/Carried Interest
The capital gains/carried interest rate will increase to 20 percent for individuals with an adjusted gross income more than $400,000 and married couples with AGI more than $450,000. Individuals/couples below the $400,000/$450,000 AGI level will still pay 15 percent.

3.8 Percent Healthcare Tax
Passed under the Affordable Care Act in 2010, the 3.8 percent healthcare tax will affect some real estate transactions. Individuals with AGI more than $200,000 and married couples with AGI more than $250,000 may be subject to the 3.8 percent healthcare tax.

Payroll Tax
In February 2012, the payroll tax cut was extended until Dec. 31, 2012. Payroll tax includes Social Security payments that were cut to 4.2 percent instead of 6.2 percent. Without language included in the fiscal cliff deal, the payroll tax reverted back to the pre-recession level, 6.2 percent. It is estimated that the average worker will pay about $1,000 more in taxes annually, or about $42 per pay check.

Alternative Minimum Tax
Under the fiscal cliff deal, the AMT received a permanent fix and will adjust for inflation. The AMT will be less burdensome on lower-income levels with more exemptions for credits or tax deductions whereas higher-income levels will receive less exemption opportunities.

Exemptions and Deductions
Individuals with AGI more than $250,000 and couples with AGI more than $300,000 should expect a phase out of the personal exemption of $3,800 and itemized deduction write-offs. Direction on the “Pease” provision was included in the fiscal deal (“Pease” is named after Congressman Don Pease (OH) who created an itemized deduction phase out in 1990). The itemized deduction phase out was avoided with the recession and Bush-era tax cuts. As clarified by the fiscal deal, the “Pease” provision will now eliminate up to 80 percent of deductibles for $300,000 AGI couples or $250,000 AGI individuals including charitable donations and mortgage interest.

Estate and Gift Tax
Estate or gift taxes will be taxed at or above the $5 million (per person) level but the tax rate will increase from 35 percent to 40 percent in 2013.

Depreciation (“bonus”)
Businesses may deduct up to 50 percent of expenses (property and equipment), not including real estate, for the 2013 tax year.

Leasehold Improvements
There is a 15-year straight-line cost recovery for qualified leasehold improvements on commercial properties that extends through 2013 and is retroactive for 2012.

Income Tax Rates
The greatest change will be for individuals with AGI over $400,000 and married couples with AGI over $450,000; a new tax rate of 39.6 percent applies to this income level. For incomes below, the Bush-era tax rates became permanent.

The fiscal cliff negotiations did not produce changes to federal tax policies on depreciation recapture or passive loss.

On January 3, 2013, the Internal Revenue Service released a guide on new federal tax rates, Updated Withholding Guidance for 2013 (PDF).


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Fannie Mae Reaches Comprehensive Resolution with Bank of America, Yielding Positive Outcome for Taxpayers

Agreement Results in Payment of $3.55 Billion and Repurchase of 30,000 loans for $6.75 Billion

Fannie Mae Approves the Transfer of Servicing Rights of 941,000 Loans from Bank of America to Specialty Servicers

Bank of America Will Pay $1.3 Billion in Compensatory Fee Obligations

Pete Bakel


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Fannie Mae (FNMA/OTC) today announced a comprehensive resolution with Bank of America, including a $10.3 billion agreement on existing and prospective repurchase requests on a specified population of loans and an additional payment of $1.3 billion to address servicing issues. Click here to read the Form 8-K.

The agreement covers current and future repurchase obligations related to loans with an outstanding unpaid principal balance of $297 billion as of November 30, 2012 that were originated between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2008. As part of the agreement, Bank of America will make a cash payment to Fannie Mae of $3.55 billion. In addition, Bank of America will repurchase approximately 30,000 loans, which  have the potential to cause significant future losses to Fannie Mae, paying par plus accrued interest, for an additional approximately $6.75 billion, subject to certain adjustments.  As a result of this resolution, the amount of Fannie Mae’s outstanding repurchase requests will decrease substantially in the first quarter of 2013.

“A favorable resolution of this long-standing dispute between Fannie Mae and Bank of America is in the best interest of taxpayers,” said Bradley Lerman, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Fannie Mae.  “Fannie Mae has diligently pursued repurchases on loans that did not meet our standards at the time of origination, and we are pleased to have reached an appropriate agreement to collect on these repurchase requests.”

Under the agreement, Bank of America remains liable for repurchase obligations arising out of specified excluded defects (for example, Fannie Mae Charter Act violations) and certain unresolved servicing and indemnification obligations. Bank of America also will be responsible for certain payment and other obligations related to mortgage insurance.

The comprehensive resolution also includes Fannie Mae’s approval of Bank of America’s request to transfer the servicing rights of approximately 941,000 loans from Bank of America to specialty servicers.  Fannie Mae’s approval of the transfer is consistent with its strategy to leverage the enhanced loss mitigation capabilities of specialty servicers to reduce credit losses on high risk loans.

In addition to the $10.3 billion resolution and in connection with Fannie Mae’s approval of the servicing transfer, Bank of America will pay Fannie Mae $1.3 billion to resolve loan servicing compensatory fee obligations.

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Ten Resolutions The Most Successful People Make And Then Keep

Well, it’s that time again—time to start rolling out the New Year’s resolutions. Some of us will vow to eat less, exercise more, live in the moment, be more grateful. You may even decide to bury the hatchet with the family member who makes you so crazy.

But what about your New Year’s business resolutions?

This time of year is a great time to start making—and keeping—business resolutions, too. But sadly, like our personal goals, we often make them (year after year) with sincere intent only to see them quickly fall by the wayside, as we revert to (bad) habits that we have vowed to break.

But what about the most successful people and their resolutions? Have you noticed how the most accomplished people just seem to identify important things and consistently get them done?

Study successful people long enough and you start to pick up on the resolutions they seem to consistently make.

Here are ten of my favorites:

#1 Spend more time on the not-to-do list
Strategy is the art of sacrifice. That’s why you may consider creating a larger clearing for what really matters by first identifying, and then avoiding, what matters the least. Your time is a treasure to be invested. Creating a list of things that you are not going to do, allows you to invest more of your treasured time on the few things that matter the most.

#2 Essential first, email second
What’s the first thing you do in the morning? For many of us, it is looking at email. We wake up with a renewed mind and spirit, ready to take on the world, and then we immediately allow ourselves to be distracted by an insignificant email. Instead, wake up, take on the most important task of the day, and then (and only then) hit the email.

#3 Resolve to think about “Who” instead of “What”

Do you work for a “What” business or for a “Who” business? Successful companies run the risk of focusing too much on their current products and distributors thus—the “What”—losing sight of the constant and dramatically changing needs of their customer base. (The “Who.”) Insurance, pharma, health care, higher education often listen too much to their agents, doctors and professors. The real innovation starts with the end consumer.

#4 Resolve to find your purpose

As my friend Simon Sinek will tell you: People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Starting a career, a company or any kind of journey that is based firmly on your purpose is foundational to success and happiness. If you don’t know your company’s purpose or even your own, finding one is the worthiest of resolutions.

#5 Resolve to support a cause

If you’re reading this, chances are you are one of the rare people who know how to start things. Fortunately, there are people like you who have already started causes that make the world better—they feed the hungry; they save the rain forest; they fight cancer; they do good things. There is virtually a cause for everyone, and contributing will make your year happier. Promise.

#6 Resolve to invent more choices

Here’s a secret that happy people know that I learned from my friend Dr. Dan Baker: You can’t feel grateful and fearful at the same time. And one certain way to become afraid is to feel trapped by any situation. The remedy is choice. The more choices you feel you have, the less trapped—and happier—you will feel. So this year, resolve to do a bit of brainstorming every time you feel unhappy.

#6 Resolve to invent more choices

Here’s a secret that happy people know that I learned from my friend Dr. Dan Baker: You can’t feel grateful and fearful at the same time. And one certain way to become afraid is to feel trapped by any situation. The remedy is choice. The more choices you feel you have, the less trapped—and happier—you will feel. So this year, resolve to do a bit of brainstorming every time you feel unhappy.

#7 Resolve to find a Yin for your Yang

Walt Disney had Roy Disney, Steve Jobs had Steve Wozniak and Orville Wright had Wilbur Wright. Wherever there is great innovation, there is a Dreamer and an Operator; an Idea Monkey and a (Ring)leader. First, determine where your passions lie, then go find an equally passionate partner, then go change the world.

#8 Resolve to get outside your jar

You can’t read the label when you are sitting inside the jar. The sad irony of being an expert is that it keeps you from seeing possibility. After all, you know what works, what doesn’t, what you can afford, what’s been tried in the past. Instead of relying only on your expertise, learn how to find other experts solving similar challenges to the ones you are facing. Go ask them what you may be missing.

#9 Resolve to be the creator

What is the outcome you want? What stands in your way? How do you overcome these obstacles? These three simple questions will keep you from being victimized by any situation. Creators change the world. Victims just bitch about stuff.

#10 Plan vacations (now)

You have probably heard the saying, “Life is what happens when you are not paying attention.” Unfortunately for many of us, we let this become true. Do yourself a favor and plan your vacations for the next year today. I promise you that the days around your vacation will fill in nicely. I also promise you that you’ll have something to look forward to and the life that happens during your vacations will be precious.

Happy New Year. Articulo de Forbes Magazine!

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Long-Term Office Outlook Is Weak

Posted January 2nd 2013
CCIM Institute

The national office vacancy rate stands at 17.1 percent and is expected to remain elevated longer than previously expected, according to a December 2012 University of California-Los Angeles Ziman Real Estate Center economic letter.

Overall office employment dropped by 245,000 jobs during the last five years, and supply is expected to exceed demand similar to the 1986-1992 supply shock in the years ahead.

The financial services industry has lost 492,000 jobs since 2007 due to increased regulation and pressure to consolidate. Currently both the financial and legal services industries, which are key drivers of class A office space demand, employ the same number of workers as they did 10 years ago.

One notable exception to the bleak office sector outlook is in the computer systems design industry where employment increased by 225,000 jobs since 2007. Technology-driven office markets such as San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Calif., and Seattle have seen rising occupancies and rents with new construction in the pipeline.

Full Report HERE

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Resoluciones financieras para el 2013

Por Andrea Martínez / [email protected]

El 2013   es  un buen año  para poner al día sus  finanzas personales. Con esto en mente, El Nuevo Día entrevistó  a diversos expertos con el fin de proveer información que le ayude a embarcar en  una ruta hacia  la salud financiera.

1. Prepare un presupuesto

Arturo Carrión, director ejecutivo de la Asociación de Bancos, recomendó que, como resolución financiera para el 2013, las personas deben crear el hábito de preparar un presupuesto detallado que incluya ingresos y gastos mensuales. Carrión abundó que el presupuesto debe contener un plan de ahorros, que sirva para cubrir gastos particulares como son: regalos navideños y el  regreso a la escuela, entre otros.

Al preparar un presupuesto, se debe reunir con la familia y discutir metas y aspiraciones; anotar los ingresos familiares mensuales; detallar el pago mensual de gastos y deudas; y restar a sus ingresos el total de pagos de gastos y deudas.

Se recomienda buscar ayuda de un profesional si tiene un déficit mensual. En la página web de la Oficina del Comisionado de Instituciones Financieras,  bajo el apartado de presupuesto familiar,  encontrará una hoja para elaborar el presupuesto familiar

2. Busque formas de ahorrar

El portavoz de la Asociación de Bancos dijo que una buena resolución de Año Nuevo es crear el hábito  de,  antes de salir de compras, preparar una lista detallada de lo que se quiere comprar y seguirla al pie de la letra, para evitar comprar por impulso.

Carrión, incluso, sugirió la opción  de  utilizar cupones de descuento como medida para ahorrar en sus compras.

Otros consejos para ahorrar son: desayunar en el hogar, llevar almuerzo al trabajo, no lavar ni planchar a diario para gastar menos electricidad, limitar las comidas fuera de la casa y  dejar la chequera y tarjetas de crédito en casa para evitar caer en la  compra por impulso o  innecesaria.

3. Considere el cooperativismo

Por su parte, la directora ejecutiva de la Liga de Cooperativas,  Mildred Santiago Ortiz, sugirió como  resolución financiera de Año Nuevo  hacerse socio de una cooperativa de ahorro y crédito.  “Un estudio realizado por la Corporación para la Supervisión y Seguro de Cooperativas (Cossec) evidenció que, en el año 2011, las cooperativas aportaron  $227 millones en inversión social.  En las cooperativas encontrarás personas comprometidas con tu bienestar que te orientarán sobre el uso adecuado del presupuesto familiar y cómo manejar adecuadamente tus finanzas personales”, dijo Santiago Ortiz.

4. Salde sus deudas

El Presidente de Consumer Credit Counseling, Eugenio Alonso, manifestó que, “tradicionalmente, cuando nos enfrentamos a un nuevo año, hacemos una lista de aquellas acciones o cambios que realizaremos durante los próximos 12 meses.  La mayor parte son medidas para mejorar la calidad de vida o la salud: rebajar o aumentar de peso, dejar de fumar, volver a estudiar, entre otros.  Sin embargo, nos olvidamos de nuestras finanzas personales y familiares”. Alonso sostuvo que una resolución ideal para el 2013 es tomar control de las finanzas personales.

Con eso en mente, Alonso recomienda que se tomen pasos para  eliminar y saldar deudas.  “Recuerde que estas no desaparecen si usted no las paga de acuerdo a un plan”, subrayó. También, debe cotejar sus hábitos de gastos y distinga cuáles son necesarios y cuáles son simplemente un mal gasto.

Otra meta puede ser, indicó Alonso, saldar las tarjetas de crédito y  pagar mucho más del mínimo requerido, pues así pagará menos intereses.  Usarlas  lo menos posible y pagar con tarjetas de débito en la medida en que sea posible es una práctica saludable.

5. Cree un fondo de emergencia

Alonso sugirió, además, crear un fondo de emergencia. Señaló que este tipo de  fondo de ahorro resulta crucial para situaciones imprevistas, como lo pueden ser la  pérdida de empleo, enfermedad o accidentes.

El portal de  Consumo Inteligente, de Mastercard Worldwide,  propone una fórmula para crear este tipo de fondo. Esta comienza con  escribir cuánto se tiene  ahorrado para emergencias; anotar cuánto gastó en la última emergencia que tuvo; estime el costo de la mayor emergencia que podría tener y que no se cubra con los seguros que tiene; escriba  cuánto le falta para  cubrir  la cantidad promedio entre la emergencia sufrida y la emergencia potencial; y determine cuánto tiene que ahorrar cada mes para llegar a lo que requiere como fondo de emergencia.

6. Planifique para el futuro

Otra resolución, precisó Alonso, podría ser comenzar a visualizar su futuro y planificar para su jubilación. Alonso indicó que si se es un empleado por cuenta propia debe considerar abrir un plan Keogh y si es asalariado un  plan de retiro 401k. Aunque  recomienda acogerse a los beneficios contributivos de las cuentas de retiro individual, Alonso sugirió investigar las ofertas de diferentes bancos para asegurar que toma la mejor oferta.

Considere reunirse con un asesor financiero que le ayude a definir una estrategia basada en la fecha que proyecta retirarse, los ingresos que tiene ahora y los que necesita tener una vez se jubile, y de dónde vendrá ese dinero. Es posible que tenga que realizar ajustes a sus expectativas, ya sea que necesite ahorrar más o trabajar por más tiempo de lo que pensaba.

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