Qué esperar de su REALTOR

Por: Vanessa Rivera, Presidente Electa
Puerto Rico Association of REALTORS®

En un mercado de retos y grandes oportunidades, el comprar o vender una propiedad se puede transformar en una inquietante decisión en la vida de cualquier consumidor. El tener un Realtor® a su lado puede ayudarle a tomar decisiones acertadas en un proceso tan complicado. Esa asistencia les permite tanto a compradores como vendedores poder mantener su enfoque en cumplir con sus necesidades particulares sin sobrecargarse de detalles financieros o negociaciones estresantes que trastoquen la placentera experiencia de vender o comprar la propiedad de sus sueños.

Cuando hablamos de Realtors® nos referimos a los profesionales de la industria de bienes raíces que están agrupados bajo la relación tripartita entre la National Association of Realtors®, la Puerto Rico Association of Realtors® y sus boards locales, donde sus miembros son los únicos autorizados a denominarse como REALTORS®. Esta denominación como Realtors® solo es posible mediante la renovación anual de su membresía a la organización. No todos los Corredores o Vendedores de bienes raíces son Realtors® pues deben estar afiliados a la organización para gozar de sus privilegios y ostentar la marca registrada de Realtor®.

Los Realtors® se comprometen mediante su afiliación a cumplir con el Código de Ética REALTOR®, el cual fue creado en 1913 y es revisado continuamente para atemperarse a las condiciones del mercado y profesión. Este documento ha servido de modelo a muchas organizaciones profesionales a nivel nacional e internacional por su estructura y seriedad.

Proteger los intereses de los consumidores requiere de altos estándares de conducta profesional y gran grado de compromiso con mantenerse actualizado en cuanto a las condiciones del mercado para servir en excelencia a un público exigente como el nuestro. Por tanto, el Código de Ética REALTOR® debe servir de norte en la operación profesional de cualquier Realtor® con sus clientes, público en general y colegas de la industria. La educación es primordial en el desarrollo de un buen Realtor® en todos los aspectos relacionados a la industria como la actualización en nuevas regulaciones, leyes, financiamiento, entre otros.

Asegure su transacción en bienes raíces con quien muestre como prioridad el proteger y promover los mejores intereses del cliente sin nunca descuidar que todas las partes involucradas en la transacción sea tratados con igual honestidad. Con esta cualidad, no cabe duda que cultivará junto a su Realtor® una valiosa relación de negocios y amistad para toda la vida.

Contacte a un Realtor® para consultar y guiarle en su próxima transacción en bienes raíces, entrevístelo y escoja trabajar con aquel que mayor capacidad y confianza le ofrezca. Asegúrese de que como profesional guste de educarse continuamente y goce de buena reputación en su mercado pues eso se traducirá en un servicio de calidad y placenteros resultados para usted y su familia. Recuerde preguntar si actualmente su Corredor o Vendedor de bienes raíces es Realtor®.

Escrito preparado por Vanessa Rivera- Presidente Electa de la Puerto Rico Association of REALTORS®, fue seleccionada como Profesional del Año 2013 PRAR®, REALTOR® del Año 2013 CBR, Ex-Presidente del Caguas Board of REALTORS® y esta certificada como Instructor General en Bienes Raíces en PR.

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Sinopsis del Programa “Mi Casa Propia”

Aqui les dejamos una tabla sencilla, que describe en resumen el Programa de Vivienda “Mi Casa Propia”.

La misma fue creada por nuestro compañero y Realtor destacado en la profesión el Sr. Reinaldo Torres.

Cualquier duda o pregunta, no duden en comunicarse con nostros a cualquiera de nuestras sucursales para orientación.

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Fannie Mae – Lackluster Income Growth Weighing on Americans’ Housing Sentiment

Share of Consumers Expecting to Buy a Home on Next Move Reaches Survey Low

Katie Penote – 202-752-2261

WASHINGTON, DC – Consumer attitudes toward housing appear to have stalled somewhat amid a recent dip in confidence regarding personal finances and income growth, according to results from Fannie Mae’s March 2015 National Housing Survey™. Among those surveyed, the share who expect their personal financial situation to improve over the next year fell to 41 percent last month, while those who said their household income is significantly higher than it was 12 months ago fell to 22 percent. Additionally, the share of respondents who said they would buy a home if they were to move decreased 5 percentage points to 60 percent – a new all-time survey low. On the bright side, the share of consumers who believe now is a good time to sell a home reached a new survey high of 46 percent, narrowing the gap with those reporting it is a good time to buy, perhaps signaling a more balanced housing market.

“Consumers are being patient prior to entering the housing market. Our March survey results emphasize how critical attitudes about income growth are to consumers’ outlook on housing,” said Doug Duncan, senior vice president and chief economist at Fannie Mae. “We’ve seen modest improvement in total compensation resulting from a strengthened labor market. However, income growth perceptions and personal financial expectations both eased off of recent highs, consistent with Friday’s weak jobs report. Simultaneously, the share of consumers expecting to buy on their next move has declined. We believe the recent setback in consumer sentiment should be short lived if early signs of income growth bear out and occur in proportion to expected interest rate increases. Meanwhile, the wait for housing expansion continues.”


Homeownership and Renting

  • The average 12-month home price change expectation rose to 2.7 percent.
  • The share of respondents who say home prices will go up in the next 12 months rose to 48 percent. The share who say home prices will go down rose to 8 percent.
  • The share of respondents who say mortgage rates will go up in the next 12 months increased to 52 percent.
  • Those who say it is a good time to buy a house fell slightly to 66.0 percent, while those who say it is a good time to sell rose to 46.0 percent – a new survey high.
  • The average 12-month rental price change expectation remained at 4.0 percent.
  • The percentage of respondents who expect home rental prices to go up rose to 53.0 percent.
  • Those who think it would be easy to get a home mortgage fell by 4 percentage points to 50.0 percent, while those who think it would be difficult rose by 3 percentage points to 46.0 percent.
  • The share who say they would buy if they were going to move fell 5 percentage points to 60.0 percent – a new survey low, while the share who would rent rose to 34 percent.

The Economy and Household Finances

  • The share of respondents who say the economy is on the right track decreased by 4 percentage points to 43.0 percent, while those who say the economy is on the wrong track rose by 3 percentage points to 48.0 percent.
  • The percentage of respondents who expect their personal financial situation to get better over the next 12 months fell to 41.0 percent.
  • The share of respondents who say their household income is significantly higher than it was 12 months ago fell 2 percentage points to 22.0 percent.
  • The share of respondents who say their household expenses are significantly higher than they were 12 months ago rose by 4 percentage points back to 35.0 percent.

The most detailed consumer attitudinal survey of its kind, Fannie Mae’s National Housing Survey™ polled 1,000 Americans via live telephone interview to assess their attitudes toward owning and renting a home, home and rental price changes, homeownership distress, the economy, household finances, and overall consumer confidence. Homeowners and renters are asked more than 100 questions used to track attitudinal shifts (findings are compared to the same survey conducted monthly beginning June 2010). To reflect the growing share of households with a cell phone but no landline, the National Housing Survey has increased its cell phone dialing rate to 60 percent as of October 2014. For more information, please see the Technical Notes. Fannie Mae conducts this survey and shares monthly and quarterly results so that we may help industry partners and market participants target our collective efforts to stabilize the housing market in the near-term, and provide support in the future.

For detailed findings from the March 2015 survey, as well as technical notes on survey methodology and questions asked of respondents associated with each monthly indicator, please visit the Fannie Mae Monthly National Housing Survey page on Also available on the site are in-depth topic analyses, which provide a detailed assessment of combined data results from three monthly studies. The March 2015 National Housing Survey was conducted between March 1, 2015 and March 23, 2015. Most of the data collection occurred during the first two weeks of this period. Interviews were conducted by Penn Schoen Berland, in coordination with Fannie Mae.

Opinions, analyses, estimates, forecasts, and other views of Fannie Mae’s Economic & Strategic Research (ESR) Group included in these materials should not be construed as indicating Fannie Mae’s business prospects or expected results, are based on a number of assumptions, and are subject to change without notice. How this information affects Fannie Mae will depend on many factors. Although the ESR Group bases its opinions, analyses, estimates, forecasts, and other views on information it considers reliable, it does not guarantee that the information provided in these materials is accurate, current, or suitable for any particular purpose. Changes in the assumptions or the information underlying these views could produce materially different results. The analyses, opinions, estimates, forecasts, and other views published by the ESR Group represent the views of that group as of the date indicated and do not necessarily represent the views of Fannie Mae or its management.

Fannie Mae enables people to buy, refinance, or rent homes.

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Publicado en Noticias | Dejar un comentario – Industry Hears Call for Credit Scoring Changes

Daily Real Estate News | Thursday, April 02, 2015

The way companies calculate people’s credit scores needs to change to reflect how people live their lives today, or millions of people will continue to fall outside traditional calculation models and not be able to become home owners.

That was the consensus view of a dozen real estate and mortgage industry experts who met Wednesday at the legislative headquarters of the National Association of REALTORS® in Washington, D.C. to examine the state of credit scoring and what can be done to improve what’s become a key part of the mortgage finance process.

Julian Castro, the secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, was one of a diverse group of housing industry stakeholders who attended the meeting. Castro said his agency is looking at the credit scoring issue as part of its effort to improve credit access to Americans.

“We do hear about the need to look at new ways of incorporating and analyzing data so that it’s more sensitive to getting at the responsibility folks have shown in their lives that would indicate—be predictive of—their future behavior and paying down that mortgage,” Castro said. “There’s been a disconnect there.”

The credit scoring industry has already taken a number of steps to revamp the way people’s credit worthiness is calculated. Both Fair Isaac Corp., which produces the widely used FICO score, and credit scoring company VantageScore were present at the meeting to talk about recent changes in the way they determine scores. Fair Isaac Corp. has changed the way it handles medical collections, among other things, so people aren’t unfairly penalized for non-recurring problems. Both companies are experimenting with non-traditional charges such as monthly rental and utility payments, although those efforts are not yet built into their regular models.

Experts around the table, including Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics, Jude Landis of Fannie Mae, and Laurie Goodman of the Urban Institute, agreed that though the housing market has recovered in many respects since the economic downturn of almost eight years ago, one way in which it hasn’t come back is in the return to more balanced credit scores as a threshold for obtaining financing. Most conventional loans today are made to borrowers with a credit score of around 740, up 20 points from before the housing boom, when the typical score was around 720.

Zandi noted that, although the difference seems small, the 20-point gap represents millions of borrowers. What’s more, a 740 score today is much harder to obtain than it was before the downturn, simply because the economy is so much tougher today.

Among the recommendations to come out of the meeting is a need to add measurement standards that better reflect changing technology, lifestyles, and demographic trends in the U.S., because up-and-coming minority and millennial consumers don’t use credit in the same way households did in the past. For that reason, experts expressed support for credit scoring companies building in non-traditional payments like monthly rent and utility bills into their models.

Representatives from FICO and VantageScore at the meeting said they are doing that and intend to build on innovations that they’ve already recently incorporated into their models.

“It’s such a critical topic,” NAR President Chris Polychron said in closing the meeting. “We’d like to see these scoring models that rely on non-traditional histories. We just have a lot to do.”

The Asian Real Estate Association of America and the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals partnered with NAR on the meeting. Representing AREAA was Jim Park, the association’s chairman emeritus, and representing NARHREP was Jerry Ascencio, a REALTOR® from the San Fernando Valley in California. Other participants at the meeting were Vanessa Perry of George Washington University, Barrett Burns of Vantage Score, Julie Steinhagen of the Homeownership Preservation Foundation, and Jim Wehmann of Fair Isaac Corp.

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Aprueban en Cámara proyecto para impulsar la compra de vivienda

Sería requisito que el beneficiario tenga y mantenga un empleo a tiempo completo o parcial

Un proyecto de ley para crear un programa que permita a las personas que cualifiquen alquilar una residencia, con subsidio gubernamental y con el acuerdo de comprar al término de dos años, fue aprobado hoy por la Cámara de Representantes.

El Proyecto de la Cámara 2110 crea lo que se conocería como el “Programa del Alquiler a la Compra: Apoyando y Promoviendo la Superación” y según se expone en la legislación, tiene el propósito de beneficiar a personas elegibles para la adquisición de una vivienda, mediante una aportación de $400 al pago de su renta, durante el mencionado periodo de dos años.

El programa estaría bajo la administración del Departamento de la Vivienda, al que se le otorga la facultad de reglamentar el procedimiento y establecer las condiciones que entienda necesarias para promover la política pública fijada en esta Ley, y de evitar la especulación o el uso inadecuado de los beneficios provistos.

La forma en que funcionaría este programa es que Vivienda establecerá un registro de residencias elegibles que serán a su vez inscritas por sus respectivos propietarios, que son aquellos dispuestos a arrendar con opción a compra bajo estas condiciones y mediante contrato a esos fines.

En dicho registro solo se podrán incluir unidades de viviendas con fines residenciales, cuyo precio de tasación o compraventa no podrá ser mayor de $200,000.

Cualificarán para este programa individuos que devenguen anualmente ingresos de $45,000 o menos. También cualificará cualquier familia con ingresos anuales combinados de $80,000 o menos y que residan en Puerto Rico por lo menos tres (3) años previo a solicitar los beneficios del programa.

Será requisito también que el beneficiario tenga y mantenga un empleo a tiempo completo o parcial, o que en caso de no tenerlo, demuestra estar en búsqueda de empleo o tenga un negocio propio con el cual genere ingresos.

Deberá además mantener al día los pagos mensuales que le correspondan para continuar beneficiándose de la aportación gubernamental.

Tras aprobarse la medida, su autor, el representante Carlos Vargas Ferrer, indicó que la misma “va dirigida a atender la situación económica y fiscal que atraviesa el país, apoyando el que individuos y familias adquieran hogares propios. Paralelo a ello, agregó, se pretende disminuir el inventario de viviendas desocupadas mediante un mecanismo más flexible, el cual paulatinamente los convertiría en propietarios de un hogar, a través de un alquiler con opción a compra”.

Buscan aumentar registro de los “todo terreno”

La Cámara también dio paso a una legislación para reducir el costo del registro de vehículos todo terreno y declarar un periodo de amnistía para la inscripción y el pago de estos derechos de registro con descuentos.

El proyecto establece que, a pesar de que se han reducido las muertes ocasionadas por el uso de estos vehículos luego de aprobada la Ley 130 de 2013, la meta es reducir aún más los mismos mediante un incremento en el número de registros.

La propuesta es reducir de $250 a $100 el costo del registro del vehículo por año y conceder además una amnistía de 90 días para que los que se registren en ese periodo lo hagan con un 50% de descuento.

También fue avalado en la sesión de hoy un Proyecto que dispone que los vehículos utilizados por los albergues para víctimas de violencia de género puedan utilizar cristales de visión unidireccional y tintes para garantizar la seguridad de sus pasajeros.

La Cámara aprobó también una Resolución Conjunta presentada por el Ejecutivo, para reasignar $5.8 millones a la Corporación del Proyecto ENLACE del Caño Marín Peña, para realizar obras y mejoras en las comunidades del área, entre las que se destaca la primera fase del proyecto Paseo Caño Norte ubicado en el municipio de San Juan.

Confirmó, igualmente, el nombramiento del abogado Rafael A. Flores Díaz, para el cargo de Sub Contralor Electoral.

Al igual que el Senado, la Cámara recesó los trabajos hasta el lunes, 6 de abril.

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Fannie Mae – A Soft Start to 2015, but Acceleration Expected

Modest Housing Expansion Expected in 2015, Despite Weak Outset

Pete Bakel – 202-752-2034

WASHINGTON, DC – Economic growth took a hit in the first quarter of 2015 due to temporary factors, including the West Coast port strike and tough winter weather in parts of the country. Nevertheless, much of the economic activity expected at the beginning of the year should shift into the second quarter with growth strengthening in coming quarters, according to Fannie Mae’s (FNMA/OTC) Economic & Strategic Research (ESR) Group. Upbeat labor market conditions and positive consumer and business fundamentals should push growth to 2.8 percent this year, while slowing global growth abroad, geopolitical events, and increased financial volatility domestically due to speculation around the target fed funds rate loom as downside risks to growth.

“We continue to expect the economy to drag housing upward as we move into the second quarter. The economy is getting a boost from the strong employment numbers we’ve seen last year and at the start of 2015. When this employment growth partners with income growth and consumers experience a rise in their personal household income, we should see a similar boost in the housing sector,” said Fannie Mae Chief Economist Doug Duncan. “Overall, we expect an improving 2015 with continued economic growth bringing housing above 2014 levels.”

Visit the Economic & Strategic Research site at to read the full March 2015 Economic Outlook, including the Economic Developments Commentary, Economic Forecast, Housing Forecast, and Multifamily Market Commentary.

Opinions, analyses, estimates, forecasts, and other views of Fannie Mae’s Economic & Strategic Research (ESR) Group included in these materials should not be construed as indicating Fannie Mae’s business prospects or expected results, are based on a number of assumptions, and are subject to change without notice. How this information affects Fannie Mae will depend on many factors. Although the ESR Group bases its opinions, analyses, estimates, forecasts, and other views on information it considers reliable, it does not guarantee that the information provided in these materials is accurate, current, or suitable for any particular purpose. Changes in the assumptions or the information underlying these views could produce materially different results. The analyses, opinions, estimates, forecasts, and other views published by the ESR Group represent the views of that group as of the date indicated and do not necessarily represent the views of Fannie Mae or its management.

Fannie Mae enables people to buy, refinance, or rent homes.

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REIRE – Curso preparatorio para obtener la licencia de corredor o vendedor de Bienes Raíces.

¡El curso más completo! ¡Materiales incluidos! Invierte en ti y asegura tu espacio…¡YA!

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REIRE – 3 Super Temas 3 Super Expertos

Reality Institute of Real Estate ofrecerá un MEGA seminario sobre 3 temas MEGA importantes:

  • Ley 20 – Fomentación de exportación de servicios.
  • Ley 22 – Incentivar el traslado de individuos inversionistas a Puerto Rico y necesidades residenciales.
  • Plan Isla Gigabit del Comité de Banda Ancha de Puerto Rico.
  • El impacto de las leyes 20, 22, y de Banda Ancha en los Bienes Raíces.

Tendremos como recursos a 3 expertos en la materias:

  • Lcdo. Juan Carlos Suarez – Sub-Secretario del Departamento de  Desarrollo Económico y Comercio
  • Giancarlo González – Principal Ejecutivo de Informática del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico
  • Iván Zavala – Presidente y CEO de Reality Realty

Para mas información se pueden comunicar al 787-225-0404/ 787-745-8777

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Freddie Mac – Mortgage Rates Move Down as We Head Into Spring

MCLEAN, VA–(Marketwired – Mar 19, 2015) – Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®), showing average fixed mortgage rates moving down across the board. The average 30-year fixed mortgage rate continues its run below 4 percent — a good sign for the spring homebuying season.

News Facts

  • 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 3.78 percent with an average 0.6 point for the week ending March 19, 2015, down from last week when it averaged 3.86 percent. A year ago at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 4.32 percent.
  • 15-year FRM this week averaged 3.06 percent with an average 0.6 point, down from last week when it averaged 3.10 percent. A year ago at this time, the 15-year FRM averaged 3.32 percent.
  • 5-year Treasury-indexed hybrid adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) averaged 2.97 percent this week with an average 0.5 point, down from last week when it averaged 3.01 percent. A year ago, the 5-year ARM averaged 3.02 percent.
  • 1-year Treasury-indexed ARM averaged 2.46 percent this week with an average 0.4 point, unchanged from last week. At this time last year, the 1-year ARM averaged 2.49 percent.

Average commitment rates should be reported along with average fees and points to reflect the total upfront cost of obtaining the mortgage. Visit the following links for the Regional and National Mortgage Rate Details and Definitions. Borrowers may still pay closing costs which are not included in the survey.

Attributed to Len Kiefer, deputy chief economist, Freddie Mac.

“The average 30-year fixed mortgage rate fell to 3.78 percent this week following mixed housing data. Housing starts [PDF] dropped 17 percent to a seasonally adjusted pace of 897,000 units, below market expectations. However, housing permits increased 3 percent in February. As we head into spring, home builders remain positive about home sales in the near future although the NAHB Housing Market Index dropped another 2 points to 53 in March.”

Freddie Mac was established by Congress in 1970 to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the nation’s residential mortgage markets. Freddie Mac supports communities across the nation by providing mortgage capital to lenders. Today Freddie Mac is making home possible for one in four home borrowers and is one of the largest sources of financing for multifamily housing. Additional information is available at, Twitter @FreddieMac and Freddie Mac’s blog

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Reality Realty impulsa un agresivo plan de crecimiento

Con nueva sede en Santurce, nos preparamos para expandirnos como franquicias en Puerto Rico, E.E.U.U. y Latinoamérica.

Aquí les dejamos fotos del Artículo publicado hoy (marzo 16) en El Nuevo Dia

(Oprima en las fotos para ver más grande)

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